
Company identification:  SAVONNERIE DE L’ATLANTIQUE
Head Office:  1 Rue des Chevaliers - 44400 REZE - FRANCE
REP registration number in the register of producers:  FR213246_01GED
Phone:  +33 (0)2 40 13 50 50
Developpement : CGCOM 23 avenue de Rome 44300 Nantes - tél. +33 (0)2 51 83 86 87

WebDesign:  C'EST TOUT COMME 20 Rue de la Boule d'Or, 49230 Tillières - tél. +33 (0)2 41 63 27 35

Hosting: KALANDA 94 avenue de la Sarriette ZAC Athelia 2, 13600 La Ciotat- France - Tél: +33 (0)9 50 29 90 10

Personal information

Everyone has the right to access, modify, change or delete data that concerns him/her (Article 34 of the law on "Informatics and Freedom" of 6 January 1978). To exercise this right, please contact: SAVONNERIE DE L’ATLANTIQUE - 1 Rue des Chevaliers - 44400 REZE - FRANCE - France. In accordance with law 78-17 of 06/01/1978 related to informatics, files and freedoms, this site has been registered at the CNIL. SAVONNERIE DE L’ATLANTIQUE may, for all purposes of evidence, preserve and archive client data in full confidentiality.
Access to the website as well as the use of its content is subject to the conditions of use described here-after. The act of accessing and navigating the website constitutes from the side of the visitor an unqualified acceptance of the following provisions:

Intellectual property :
The website is the exclusive property of SAVONNERIE DE L’ATLANTIQUE, solely authorized to use and exploit intellectual property rights and personality rights related to this website, in particular trademarks, designs and models, copyrights and rights of personal portrayal, by way of original title or by way of property transfer or an exploitation right. The use of all or part of the website, in particular by downloads, reproduction, transmission or representation for purposes other than for personal use and private non-commercial purposes is strictly prohibited.

Photos and data :

The photos and data contained on this website are not binding. 

Liens hypertextes vers d'autres sites :

Hypertext links towards other sites. The creation of hypertext links to the Site may not be made without the prior written authorization of SAVONNERIE DE L’ATLANTIQUE which can be revoked at any time. SAVONNERIE DE L’ATLANTIQUE is not responsible for the content of sites linked to this Site.

Cookies :

Pursuant to the provisions of Directive 2002/58/CE, SAVONNERIE DE L’ATLANTIQUE uses cookies for purposes of personal identification. These cookies remain stored on the user’s computer for five (5) years, unless the user deletes them. Any user has the possibility to reject these cookies by clicking on the button « delete cookies » in the Internet options/tab: confidentiality, knowing that the use of the Site may thus be limited. A cookie does not allow us to identify you. In general, it records information related to the navigation of your computer on our site (pages you have visited, date and time of visit, etc.) that we can read during your future visits.


As authorized by law, SAVONNERIE DE L’ATLANTIQUE is not responsible for: any vagueness, inaccuracy, omission or any other damage resulting from an intrusion by a third party leading to a modification of information available on the Site, in case of damage caused by reason of access by an unauthorized third party to the Site or making its access impossible. The visitor is informed that access to the Site may be interrupted at any time by SAVONNERIE DE L’ATLANTIQUE for reasons of maintenance, security or any other technical constraint.

Applicable law:

These present conditions are governed by the French law. French courts have exclusive jurisdiction in any dispute relating directly or indirectly to access to this Site or its use. The original version of these conditions is written in French. In case of conflict or inconsistency between the French version and this present one, the French version will prevail.